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ICE - Oil Spill Service

Oil Spill Service

The responsibility to prevent biological risk in the workplace entails taking preventative action to avoid health damage caused by biological agents with infectious ability existing in the workplace.

Diverse biological agents are capable of causing disease (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi or spores, toxins, endotoxins, cell cultures, etc.). For this interaction to occur, the agent must be able to reach the organ or system where it might cause injury via a transmission channel.

ICE - Transportation & Collection Of Materials

Transportation & Collection Of Materials

Our technical personnel will come to your company to collect the waste, regardless of the quantity. The material must be previously labeled, according to its characteristics and in accordance with the safety for easy identification and proper handling.

Meet our units: We have a variety of cargo vehicles with the required characteristics to respond to the different needs of the industry.

We take the waste from your company to the final disposal site, always taking care of the safety and industrial hygiene measures dictated by environmental and transportation regulations.

Industrial Cleaning

It's important to have access to the best chemical emergency specialists in the event of a disaster. These professionals are experienced with a wide range of hazardous materials incidents and chemical spills that may occur.

Whatever the situation, you can count on I.C.E Inc.'s emergency response services. As soon as possible, you will have access to the greatest network of chemical and hazardous materials specialists.

The I.C.E Inc. chemical response team is fast and efficient. We can help you limit your responsibility and exposure, and we may even be able to save lives in some cases.

ICE - Industrial Cleaning
ICE - Transportation & Collection Of Materials

Roadway Resurfacing and Restoration due to Chemical Spills

All of your environmental, industrial cleaning, and waste disposal needs are met by
I.C.E Inc. Emergency Response. Schedule service, request a quotation or learn more by
contacting us now.